Bankruptcy for Just $800 _____________ We make bankruptcy affordable

Call us now to receive your Free expert bankruptcy evaluation at (213) 799-1218

Bankruptcy is your Legal Right. Start your Debt Relief today:

Discharge All of Your Bills

Yes – it is possible to have ALL of your bills discharged. Contact us today to determine the best debt strategy for you.

I've handled Hundreds of cases

I’ve handled hundreds of bankruptcy cases and know how to navigate the bankruptcy process quickly and effectively.

Best Possible Result

We analyze each factor of your debt and customize your filing to achieve the best possible result for you.

Receive Bill Extensions

If you have mandatory bills, we will file in a way that allows you the maximum time to pay them.

Prevent Foreclosure

Get relief from the burden of losing your home. We work to prevent foreclosure so you can keep your property.

Stop Harrassing Calls

Put an end to all the harassing debt collector calls today.

What Clients Say:

+ Year Graduate of Law
% of Clients Happy

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Lawyer

Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney Official AwardIf you are struggling financially and looking to speak with a Los Angeles bankruptcy lawyer, you’ve come to the perfect place. Mounting debts, imminent foreclosure and harassing phone calls from creditors are a nightmare. You need an experienced & knowledgeable attorney in your corner. My Los Angeles bankruptcy attorney law office is always happy to discuss your financial situation to determine the best defense strategy moving forward.

I will represent your interests in court as well as fully inform you of all of your options. My job is to help move you from your current financial predicament towards a brighter future that is free of debt, and show you how to avoid facing a similar situation again . It all begins by calling me for a free consultation. Let me tell you where you stand, show you the options that you have moving forward, and explain how I can help you overcome the financial difficulties you face.

There is a common misconception that hiring an attorney may place you under an additional financial burden. The truth is that filing for bankruptcy is not a straightforward process. Many people have actually lost assets through mistakes or representation by inexperienced lawyers who put them in a worse financial situation than when they started. Getting the right representation means that you are getting the best, most experienced and knowledgeable attorney available to you to handle your interests so you can ease your debt and rediscover peace of mind.

Call our Los Angeles Bankruptcy Attorney Today

What my Los Angeles Bankruptcy law office brings to the table is several important assets to provide you with the information, experience, knowledge and trust that will help you overcome your current financial difficulties. In this website I go over the basic information about what filing for bankruptcy is, the different chapters of bankruptcy you can file for, and general information about what options many people have when they are in financial distress.

However, general information is just that – general information. Your individual situation is going to be different in some way and bankruptcy assistance will need to be tailored to your specific needs. Give me a call for a free consultation before you take any action and let me show you how I can help. Here are a few general services that I provide to my clients.

An informed client is one who can make the best decisions possible given the information at hand. Most clients only have a general “idea” of what bankruptcy law is all about. They know that it can help them erase debt, but they are not fully aware of the consequences and their options. I will not leave you in the dark. I will discuss the pros and cons of the available courses of action, and explain how the various possible strategies we can adopt will affect your financial condition . My goal is to arm you with all of the knowledge you need in order to make the best decision possible and understand how to avoid another financial crisis.

Having a trusted, experienced bankruptcy attorney at your side not only brings peace of mind; it also means that you have a person with the knowledge and experience to help you avoid making simple mistakes that might put you in a worse financial situation. At my bankruptcy law office, my experience is key in getting my clients the best results possible. Let me show you what I can do.

Information and experience is a two way street. I am here to answer your questions, listen to your concerns and give you the best representation, and most accurate information possible when you need it. At my bankruptcy law firm, I am here for you. Bankruptcy may not be the right decision for every person. For some individuals, debt settlement may be more beneficial, and I can help start such a program. So if you have a question or concern, feel free to call me and I’ll provide the answers quickly and confidently.

Choosing the right bankruptcy lawyer is a very important decision. When you finally choose your bankruptcy lawyer, he will present you with a retainer agreement. Read the retainer agreement! Do not just sign it. Look at what you are getting for your money. Will your bankruptcy lawyer represent you in all bankruptcy proceedings? How is your payment plan set up? When and how will your bankruptcy case be filed? These are all very important questions that need to be addressed. I will candidly and honestly answer these questions for you, and much more.

My bankruptcy office is very experienced with the bankruptcy laws in California and I will help you prepare your petition, file it with the courts, communicate with your assigned trustee, and appear with you at your Meeting of the Creditors. I will help you prepare and submit any additional documentation required from the point you file for bankruptcy until your case is discharged. Bankruptcy is a complicated process. Allow me to give you expert assistance and guide you professionally and humanely through these tough financial times.

Call us at (213) 799-1218 for a free consultation and let our Los Angeles Bankruptcy office near me get you back on track quickly and securely.

National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, State Bar of California, UCLA Law School, American Bankruptcy Institute

By Travis Kasper